From the Rector's Desk
From the Rector's Desk -- February 2019
This week marks the beginning of the spring semester.
From the Rector's Desk - November 2018
When I last wrote we were just a couple of weeks into the new academic year. Now we are closer to the end of the semester and just a few days away from Thanksgiving break. A lot has happened in the intervening weeks.
From the Rector's Desk - September 2018
Today marks the second week of classes in the new academic year. The semester is off to a good start.
From the Rector's Desk - June 2018
PLTS has just completed its first full year in the new space in downtown Berkeley, and I have now been the Rector for exactly a year and four days. I arrived in Berkeley for the decommissioning service on May 27, 2017 and walked with others down the hill to our new location on Center Street where we began a new chapter in the history of PLTS.
From the Rector's Desk - April 2018
As I have traveled around Regions 1 and 2 these past months visiting synod councils, individuals and congregations, people have been enthusiastic and supportive of this new chapter in the story of PLTS and have requested more ongoing communication about the seminary.