Cross Registration: GTU Courses

GTU member schools and the GTU offer a rich variety of courses.  Below are steps for registering for GTU courses:

1) Consult the GTU Course Schedule

2) If the course requires permission to register, email the instructor for permission.  You can find information about the instructor and their center/school in the GTU Academic Catalog. Check the website of the instructor’s center’s/school for their email address.  Forward by email the instructor’s permission to Leslie Veen so that she can register you.

Forward the instructor's permission to Leslie Veen with a cc to yourself and your advisor.

3) Scan and submit a Cross-Registration Form to Leslie Veen.  Be sure to cc yourself and your advisor.

4) Leslie Veen will follow up to have the course created in WebAdvisor.

5) Leslie Veen will notify you when the course is created.  You can then register for the course.  OR
If the course requires instructor permission, Leslie Veen will register you in the course and notify you.

